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The Footsteps Of Moses
Egypt & Israel


Day 1: Arrive Cairo

Arrival at the Cairo Airport. meet and assist you through the airport formalities. Then You will be escorted to your hotel for check in and overnight.  

Day 2: Cairo

Breakfast at Hotel. Meet your guide at the hotel for departure on a full day's tour of Cairo. You will visit the Egyptian Museum, following which we will have lunch at one of Cairo restaurants. After lunch, visit the Pyramids of Giza and the famous Sphinx.  
Back to Hotel and overnight.

Day 3: Cairo / Aswan

Check out after Breakfast. Transfer to Cairo Airport to fly to Aswan arrival

at Aswan Airport. Our  representative will be there to meet and escort you to your 3 nights Cruise. Embarkation and Check in before Lunch. Lunch on board. In the afternoon, you will visit the High Dam and Philae Temple. After that you will experience the short adventure trip in the Nile by a Felucca (small boat) sailing around the islands where you will view Elephantine Island, the Botanical Garden and the Aga Khan Mausoleum. Overnight on board in Aswan. 

Day 4: Aswan / Kom Ombo / Edfu / Esna

Morning sail to Kom Ombo. In Kom Ombo, visit the temples of the Two Shared Gods Sobek &  Horarios . Lunch on board. Relax and admire the beautiful scenery along the Nile while sailing to Edfu. In Edfu, take a tour by horse-drawn carriage to visit the Temple of Horus. Back on board and sail to Esna. Overnight on board while crossing the Esna Lock. 

Day 5: Luxor

Sail to Luxor. After breakfast on board,  visit the West Bank including the Valley of the Kings, Temple of Queen Hatchepsut and the 2 Colossi of Memnon. Lunch on board. Spend the afternoon at leisure to explore Luxor on your own. Overnight on board in Luxor. 

Day 6: Luxor

Check out after breakfast on board, Day at Leisure to explore Luxor on you own , Overnight Hotel in Luxor  


Day 7:  Luxor / Sharm.  

Check out after breakfast, Transfer to Luxor Airport To Fly to Sharm El Sheikh . Arrival Sharm  Airport. Our Representative will be there to meet and escort you to  your Hotel , check in and overnight Sharm  


Day 8 : Sharm El Sheikh / St.Catherine

Check out after breakfast, Drive in to Sinai   to St.Catherine,

 Check in your hotel afternoon enjoy  a visit with your guide to the small village of St Catherine enjoy walking around the Bedouin small shops , have the chance to watch the beautiful scene of sunset over the village return to hotel for dinner & overnight 


Day 9:   St. Catherine / Taba /Eilat / Tel Aviv .

Early wake up call for those who are interested to ascend MT. Moses where Moses received the ten commandments , return for breakfast visit the Monastery of St Catherine one of the oldest monasteries in the world  return to hotel  for Check out & depart to Taba  the Egyptian Border with Israel  , where  will be met  &  Transferred to Eilat Airport for your short flight to Tel Aviv , Arrive  And transfer to your hotel .Overnight in Tel Aviv   


Day 10 - Tel Aviv/ Caesarea/ Megiddo

Our guide will pick you up and we'll drive for a short visit of the city of Jaffa (Joppa) where we will take a short walking tour in picturesque alleys of the old, fortified town. We we'll pass by the house of Simon the Tanner and marvel at the views from the hill top. Proceed along the coast to Caesarea, capital of Judea under the Romans to visit the Roman Theater and aqueduct .  Continue to Megiddo, identified in the book of Revelations as the site of Armageddon; Visit the archaeological excavations including the well-preserved water supply system. Drive towards the Sea of Galilee and Tiberias for a check in. Overnight in Tiberias 

Day 11  Tiberias/ Capernaum / Golan Heights 

After a tour of Tiberias, where Jesus lived, we'll drive  to Capernaum, the center of Jesus ministry. Visit the remains of the 2nd century synagogue. Proceed to Tabgha, the site of the miracle of fish and loaves and visit the Church of Multiplication with its 4th century mosaic floor. We drive on to the Mount of Beatitudes overlooking the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus preached the “Sermon on the Mount” and it is believed that Jesus picked his 12 apostles.  We'll ascend to the Golan Heights to view the panoramic view of the peaks of Mt. Hermon and the rugged plateau of the Golan Heights,  Return for overnight in Tiberias


Day 12 Cana - Nazareth/ Beit Shean  / Jerusalem  

This morning we travel through Cana   Visit the Wedding Church where Jesus performed his first miracle, turning water into wine. We proceed to Nazareth, where Jesus spent his childhood, and visit the Church of Annunciation, built


on the site where archaeologists believe the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary. You’ll also see Mary’s Well and Joseph’s Church. Drive along the Jordan Valley to Beit Shean with its recently excavated amphitheater Visit the excavations of this beautiful preserved Roman City which was destroyed in an earthquake and then onward, along the Jordan River to    Jerusalem . Overnight in Jerusalem


Day 13  Dead Sea / Massada

Through remarkable scenery of the Dead Sea, we’ll Drive to Massada which is situated right on an isolated cliff in the Judean Desert. The site has been declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001.  Ascend by cable car to the fortress, which was the last stronghold of the Jewish Zealots in their war against the Romans. Visit the excavations, King Herod’s palace, the synagogue, bathhouse and much more.  Enjoy the breathtaking view of the Roman camps and the Dead Sea. See  the site of the Qumran Caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. En route to the Dead Sea, Nearly 1,300 feet below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest point on the earth’s surface.  Bring your swimsuit as if weather permits it’s possible to “float” on  the salty , mineral rich, water of the dead Sea  later return to Overnight in Jerusalem.


Day 14 Jerusalem – Old City

Start the day at Mt’ Scopus. Enjoy the spectacular panoramic view of Jerusalem. Your tour includes the Mount of Olives, a stop at the site where Jesus first gave the Lord’s Prayer, and the Garden of Gethsemane where Judas betrayed Jesus. Enter the Old City from the Cardo and you’ll see the Western Wall and the actual site of the Second Temple, the Temple Mount. Walk the Way of the Cross, the Via Dolorosa, to Calvary and the Church of the  Holy Sepulcher, housing both the traditional site of Crucifixion and the Tomb of the Resurrection. Then at Mount Zion, enjoy the spectacular panoramic view of Jerusalem, with the traditional tomb of King David and the Room of the Last Supper.  Overnight in Jerusalem. 


Day 15 Jerusalem (New City ) – EinKarem - Bethlehem

Today’s tour includes Ein Karem a picturesque village on the south western outskirts of Jerusalem. This small village has great significance in Christian traditions, since this is where according to the tradition John the Baptist was born and we'll also visit the Church of Visitation. We'll proceed to Yad Vashem, the official memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust established in 1953, located on the foot of Mt. Herzl. Visit the Israel Museum with a detailed model of Jerusalem from the time of the Second Temple and the Shrine of the Book, which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls .Continue to visit Bethlehem to see Rachel’s Tomb and the Church of the Nativity.

 Return to  Overnight in Jerusalem. 


Day 16 Jerusalem - Ben-Gurion airport

Transfer to Ben-Gurion airport for departure

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