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The day I walked through The Siq

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

Actually, I have walked through the Siq many times, its one of my favorite experiences. The sheer size of its walls, the wonderful color of the rock, the historical landmarks. These all create a feeling of awe that never fails me.

You may ask: “OK, you like it, but what in the world is The Siq?”. I will start at the beginning. Simply put, The Siq is the narrow gorge that leads you into the ancient city of Petra. Yes, the famous Petra located in Jordan. We have all heard about Petra, but what is it really? Should you visit? What will you see there?


Best thing is to start with a bit of history. Petra was the capital city of a desert dwelling nation called The Nabbateans. They were traders and camel herders and specialized in the trade routes from Arabia to Europe. Their caravans of thousands of camels carried myrrh, spices, gold and other valuables from the east to Europe. They were experts in finding water in the desert and therefor they controlled the routes from east to west. This made them rich, very rich. They were so rich in fact that they could afford to build their capital in a valley among towering desert mountains carving their monuments in the red rock. The city became famous and the monuments beautiful. All this lasted until the fall of the Roman Empire when the trade died out and Petra was abandoned and forgotten. A Swiss explorer names Johann Burkhardt “rediscovered” Petra in the 19th century, and once again the monuments attracted hordes, this time not traders, but tourists.

The site of Petra is huge and the entrance is through the already mentioned narrow gorge names in Arabic “Siq”. You walk about a mile between the beautiful towering walls of the gorge. The rock is naturally colorful. Mostly red, but you can find also yellows, oranges, browns and black. There are some small “temples” carved out of the walls in honor of the local gods and the remains of a very sophisticated water system. At the end of the Siq you find yourself in front of the most famous building in Petra: The Treasury. This is actually a tomb. Carved out of the rock in Greco-Roman style, you will recognize it immediately from the many pictures I am sure you have seen of Petra. This is the time to stop, gaze and admire. You can even sit down at the small café, sip tea and continue to gaze.


The walk among the ruins can take hours (or less, all according to your pace and interest). The site is big and features many carved tombs, a rock hewn theater, an “Egyptian” temple, Roman temples and other monuments. Each one of these sites is amazing in its own right. Each is awe inspiring.

IF you are a hiker, try one of the many steps or mountain paths to the higher monuments. There you will enjoy not only the buildings, but magnificent views as well. Like to try riding a camel or a donkey? This is the place. You can ride among the ruins, enjoying the feeling of being part of an ancient story. Do not forget to sit down in one of the Bedouin cafes. These are simple places, look like a traditional Bedouin tent. You will receive warm local hospitality and can enjoy tea, coffee and local foods.

Ready to go? Contact D&M Global Travel, we will take you there!

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