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In The Footsteps of Jesus
The Holy Land  Pilgrimage 


Day 1


Arrive at Ben Gurion International Airport, where you will meet your guide and driver.  We will be transferred to our hotel in Tel Aviv.

Dinner and overnight in Tel Aviv


Day 2

Jaffa, Caesarea,  Mount Carmel

In the morning we visit old Jaffa, the oldest port city in the world.  It was here that Jonah boarded the ill-fated ship to Tarshish and where Simon the Tanner resided. We walk along the narrow alleys lined with art galleries and shops and enjoy the view of Tel Aviv. Continue along the coast of The Mediterranean Sea to Caesarea.  Built by King Herod as a great port in honor of Augustus Caesar, Caesarea was once the Roman capital of the country.  It was here that St. Peter was imprisoned before being sent to Rome for trial.  We will visit the ancient aqueduct, theater, hippodrome and other ruins.  On to Mukraka on Mount Carmel, this is the site of the battle between Elijah and the false prophets of Baal.  We enjoy the view over the entire Valley of Jezreel .

Dinner and overnight in The Galilee Area


Day 3

Sail The Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Tabgha, Mt. Of Beatitudes, Jesus Boat

Early this morning we will board a boat and sail upon the calm waters of the Sea of Galilee.  The beautiful landscape and historical sites, make this cruise truly a unique experience.  On to Capernaum, the city of Jesus.  It was here that He lived and preached.  We visit the first century CE synagogue and The House of Peter.  Continue to Tabgha, site of the miracle of the multiplication  of fish and loaves of bread, then on to The Mount of Beatitudes.  This is the site of The Sermon on The Mountain, and the view over the Sea of Galilee is stunning.  Our next stop is Cana, site of the first miracle, where Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding ceremony.  On to Ginossar where we see the remains of an actual fishing boat – about 2000 years old.  This boat may very well be from the time of Jesus. Dinner and overnight in The Galilee Area


Day 4

Nazareth, Cana, Mount Tabor

This morning we will visit Nazareth, the boyhood home of Jesus.  We visit the Basilica of The Annunciation, The Synagogue Church and Joseph's workshop.  We will have time to stroll in the busy bazaars.  On to Cana, site of the first miracle, where Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding ceremony.  Continue to Mount Tabor where we ascend the mountain where the Transfiguration of Jesus occured.

Overnight in the Galilee Area


Day 5

Megiddo, River Jordan, Jordan Valley, Jericho, Judean Wilderness, Jerusalem

This morning we visit Megiddo, a massive archeological site and the place where Armageddon will take place.  We visit the impressive site where archeologists found over 22 layers of human habitation.  Drive to Yardenit, the baptismal site on The Jordan River.  We will have the opportunity to get baptized in the waters of the River Jordan as well as enjoy the tranquility of the site.  Continue to Beit Shean, one of the largest Roman archeological sites in the world.  We see the theater, city streets and where the markets once were located.  Beit Shean was a major  trading hub until it was demoslished in a massive earthquake.  Drive along the Jordan Valley, through Jericho (viewing stop only) and via The Judean Wilderness to Jerusalem.  Stop on top of The Mount of Olives for a magnificent view over the city.

Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem


Day 6

Old City, Jewish Quarter, Western Wall, Via Dolorosa, Holy Sepulcher, Garden Tomb, Mt. Zion, Gathsemane

A full day of sightseeing in the Old City of Jerusalem and its environs.  Wes start at the Jewish Quarter and see the old Roman Cardo – once the main commercial street of the city.  On to The Western Wall, the holiest site in the world for Judaism.  Walk along the Via Dolorosa – The Way of The Cross.  We will follow the fourteen station of the cross to the Church of The Holy Sepulcher.  Visit the busy markets and bazaars that form the heart of the old quarter and continue to The Garden Tomb, the site of the crucification and burial of Jesus Christ according to Protestant tradition. On to Mount Zion where we visit the Room of The Last Supper, King David's Tomb and The Church of The Dormition.  Continue to Gathsemane and visit the Church of All Nations and the ancient olive grove.

Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem


Day 7

Dead Sea, Massada, Qumran

Today we drive to the lowest place on Earth : The Dead Sea. We start with a visit to Massada, the fortress palace built by King Herod as a summer retreat.  We ascend by cable car to the top and explore the massive ruins.  We see the store houses, bath houses, palaces and synagogue.  We hear the story of The Jewish Zealots who used the fortress as their last stand against the Roman legions.  They eventually chose to commit suicide rather than be Roman slaves.  Continue to a local beach, where we will have the opportunity to swim in the Dead Sea and experience the unique feeling of floating on the water.  On to Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls where found for a visit to the Easene's Village.

Return to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.


Day 8

Shrine of The Book, Model of Jerusalem, Yad Vashe, Bethlehem

In the morning we visit the Israel Museum where we see the Dead Sea Scrolls housed in the beautiful "Shrine of The Book".  We also visit the model of Jerusalem as it appeared in the time of Jesus.  Continue to Yad Vashem, Israel's official memorial to the Holocaust for a visit.  In the afternoon  we drive to Bethlehem and visit the Church of Nativity, Milk Grotto and Shepherd's Fields. 

Return to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight


Day 9


Transfer to Ben Gurion International Airport for our flight back home. 

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