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Catholic Journey

The Holy Land And Rome


Day 1:

Arrival, Tel Aviv

Arrive at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv where we meet our guide and driver.  After clearing all the official procedures, we are transferred to our hotel in Tel Aviv.  Time permitting we will enjoy a brief tour of this vibrant young city with its skyscrapers, cultural centers and lofty squares. 

Overnight in Tel Aviv


Day 2

Jaffa, Caesarea, Mount Carmel, Muhraka

In the morning, we tour old Jaffa.  It was here that the Prophet Jonah boarded a ship to Tarshish to escape the wrath of God.  Jaffa is one of the oldest ports in the world, its many narrow, ancient alleys are full of art galleries and shops.  We will see the House of Simon The Tanner and then continue by bus, along the coast of the Mediterranean to Caesarea.  This was the Roman capital of the land in the time of Jesus, and it was here that the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate resided.  Paul was imprisoned here just before being sent to Rome for trial.  We will explore the magnificent ruins of the city built by King Herod, including the harbor, theater, baths and hippodrome.  On to Haifa, where from the top of Mount Carmel we gaze at the magnificent Bahai shrine and gardens.  Visit Stella Maris Church, site of the cave where Elijah hid from King Ahab.  Drive through the Druze Villages on Mount Carmel to Muhraka, the site of the battle between Elijah and false prophets of Baal. 

Drive to our hotel in the Galilee Area, Nazareth or Tiberias.


Day 3

Sea of Galilee, Tabgha, Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, Jesus Boat

Today we explore the land around the Sea of Galilee where Jesus lived and preached.  We start with a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and experience the truly captivating feeling of the calm waters and the Biblical landscapes.  On to Tabgha, the site of the miracle of the Multiplication of bread and fish.  It was here that Jesus fed the multitudes.  On to The Mount of Beatitudes, site of The Sermon on The Mountain.  Our next stop is Capernaum, the Town of Jesus.  Here we visit the ancient synagogue and the House of Peter.  Continue to Ginossar, where we see the remains of an ancient boat found in the waters of the lake.  This boat may have been from the time of Jesus.

Return to our hotel.


Day 4

Cana of Galilee, Nazareth, Mount Tabor

In the morning we drive to Cana of Galilee, site of the first miracle where Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding ceremony.  On to Nazareth, the childhood home town of Jesus, where we visit The Basilica of The Annunciation, Mary's Well and The Synagogue Church.  We will have time to stroll in the busy and colorful marketplace.  Continue to Mount Tabor, site of The Transfiguration.  We ascend the mountain and visit the Franciscan Church on top.

Return to our hotel


Day 5

Jordan River, Judean Wilderness, Jericho, Jerusalem, Mount of Olives

Today we drive toward Jerusalem.  We first stop at Yardenit, the baptismal site on the River Jordan.  Continue through the Judean Wilderness to Jericho, the oldest city in the world.  We see the Monastery of Karantal, where Jesus stayed for 40 days and nights.  Ascend to Jerusalem and stop at The Mount of Olives where we have a magnificent view over the entire city.  Here we can say a prayer for our safe arrival at the holy city

Overnight in Jerusalem


Day 6

Jerusalem, Old City, Mt. Zion, Room of Last Supper, Western Wall, Via Dolorosa, Church of The Holy Sepulchre

The entire day is dedicated to explore the places that are most associated with Jesus:  the holy city of Jerusalem.  We start by entering the old city through the Jaffa Gate.  We visit Mount Zion and the Hall of The Last Supper.  On to the Jewish Quarter where we see the remains of the ancient Roman commercial road – The Cardo.  We arrive at the Western Wall, the holiest place for Jews.  Walk along the Via Dolorosa, the Way of The Cross.  Here along the 14 stations of the cross we follow the trail of the Agony of Jesus.  The streets today are a busy market place and bazaar and we enjoy the colorful atmosphere.  We arrive at the Church of The Holy Sepulchre, the resting place of Jesus.  We have time to stroll along the streets and enjoy the bazaar.

Overnight in Jerusalem


Day 7

Jerusalem, New City, Yad Vashem, Shrine of The Book, Model of Jerusalem

In the morning we explore the new city of Jerusalem.  We start with a tour around the city seeing the government buildings, supreme court, Knesset (Israeli parliament), museums and university.  Visit Yad Vashem, the official memorial and museum to the Holocaust.  On to The Israel Museum where we visit the Shrine of the Book and marvel at the Dead Sea Scrolls displayed here and then at the model of Jerusalem as it appeared in the time of Jesus.  In the afternoon we drive to Bethlehem and visit Manger Square and the Church of The Nativity. 

Return to Jerusalem for overnight.

Day 8

Dead Sea, Qumran, Massada

Today, we descend to the lowest point on Earth:  The Dead Sea.  For centuries this are was a refuge for religious thinkers, priests and monks.  We visit Qumran, the remains of the town where the Eassenes lived.  It was here that they wrote the famous Dead Sea Scrolls.  Continue to Massada, the palace fortress built by King Herod as a winter resort and refuge.  It was here that almost 1000 Jewish freedom fighters chose to commit suicide as free men rather than be Roman slaves.  Our last stop today is the Dead Sea beach, where we can experience the unique feeling of floating on the water.Return to Jerusalem for overnight

Day 9


Today we are transferred to the airport and fly to Rome.  Upon arrival we enjoy a tour of The Eternal City, including The Coliseum, Roman Forum and Trevi Fountain.

Overnight in Rome

Day 10

Vatican, St. Peter's Square and Basilica, Papal Audience, Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel

Today is dedicated to the visit of the Vatican – the seat of The Holy See.  We start by walking in St. Peter's Square, one of the most impressive squares in the world.  We enter the basilica of the St. Peter, one of the most important shires in Roman Catholicism.  We see the huge nave with the marble altar and many works of art.  Attend a Papal audience (this audience is pending approval and reservations, is not private and is available only on Wednesdays).  Visit the vast Vatican Museums displaying some of the world's most famous works of art including the Sistine Chapel's ceiling painted by Michelangelo

Overnight in Rome

Day 11

Departure Home

Transfer for our flight back home.

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