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Cultural Journey Through a Spectacular Country




Day 1: Paro Arrival and Transfer to Thimphu

Fly to Pro International Airport and spend 1 hour transferring to Thimphu,

The capital of Bhutan with your tour guide. Visit Kuensel Phodrang, National Memorial Chorten, Buddha Dordenma, Tashichho Dzong, after checking in your hotel. During the night walk in the city to see the Local Farmer Market.

Day 2: Thimphu

Today you will visit the Folk Heritage Museum, the School of Thangka Painting,

Visit the Thimphu Valley, and on the north of the valley (15km) walk for 30/45min to see the Cheri monastery. Your knowledgeable tour guide will help learn more about the culture and history of Bhutan during today’s tour.

Day 3:Thimphu-Punakha

Today, you will be transferred to Punakha, which is considered to be the most beautiful place in Bhutan. The scenery along the road will not make you feel bored. The far views of 7 giant mountains (around 7000 meters high) and 108 chortens or stupas are the rewards while driving through the Dochu-la pass. Drive to the Limbukha Village after lunch to see the fields of red rice, which is of high medicinal values. You will feel the local people’s love towards peace and tranquility there.  Chimi Lhakhang (Lobesa village) is dedicated to Lama Drukpa Kuenley, who taught Buddhism in a humorous and dramatic way. He was nicknamed “Divine Madman” due to his behaviors. Local people pray for children in this monastery. Visit the Punakha Dzong, a historical site survived 4 fires and 1 earthquake. The Dzong is open for visitors during Punakha festival and in summer months when the monk body moves to Thimphu.


Day 4:Punakha - Gangtey 

In the morning, start a good by visiting the Khamsum Yuelley Namgel Chorten, which was built in a painting-like Punakha Valley. Local people believe the Chorten can remove negative forces and promote peace, stability and harmony in the changing world. After lunch, visit the Gangtey Valley and Monastery (1:30 walk). In the Valley explore the typical villages and go visit traditional house to known how local people lives. And go to the Black-necked Cranes information Center to observe black necked cranes.

Day 5: Gangtey- Trongsa-Bumthang

Take a Gantey Nature Trail to visit the Gangtey Village. Then go to the Trongsa District: in the morning, a superb drive on the winding mountain roads, lined with prayer drapes, stupas and prayer mills, takes you to the Trongsa district. Take the opportunity to photograph the yaks, sumptuous landscapes and picturesque villages of Chendepji and Tansupji. Meet the inhabitants of Rukupji and then take a break from the Nepalese-style chörten, built in the 16th century to appease the surrounding demons. As you approach Trongsa, discover the impressive view of the country's largest dzong. Built in the 17th century, this major monastic complex house 200 monks. Its watchtower, transformed into a museum, brings together 244 objects from the Wangchuck dynasty, including the famous raven crown of the first king. Continue by car to Jakar through the Yotongla Pass and go down the Chumé Valley, the gateway to the Bumthang. The region is known for its ancient temples. Thamshing Gonpa temple and the Thangbi village (walk on the potato fields, continue to Ngalakha village)

Day 6: Bumthang-Punakha 

Today our driver will drive us go Tang valley to see Tang Rimochen temple at auru Rihfoche. And then take 45 min walk through Ugyer Choling village to visit the palace and see the Kuzim suspension bridge In the afternoon, we will drive to Punakha from Bumthang and explore the Rinchengang Village. Rinchengang Village is located opposite to the Wangdue Phodrang Dzong and Punatsangchhu runs along the highway. Believed to be one of the oldest villages in Bhutan dating back to the Zhabdrungs era., Rinchengang Village is famous for its proficiency in traditional means of stonework and its Bhutanese architectural designed houses. The village is also famous for its houses being close to each other and the space between the houses is barely enough to walk through. Meet local people and know more about the history of the Rinchengang village.

Day 7: Punakha-Paro 

Today you will go back to Paro, where you entered Bhutan 6 days ago without taking any sightseeing activities. Explore the National Museum, where houses lots of exquisite local artworks and Paro Dzong (Rinpung Dzong), where offers you beautiful river view. Continue to Dungtse Lhakhang, a 15th century temple in the shape of a chorten. Its walls are richly covered with magnificent frescoes, testimonies of the iconographic richness of Bhutan. In the evening explore the local artisanal market and the streets.

Day 8: Paro (Hike to Taktshang) 

Around 4 hours’ hiking are needed to reach Takshang Monastery, the most famous religious relic in Bhutan.

It is possible to take a rest at the view terrace, which is located on the half point of the hiking route.

You could also visit Kyichu Temple during the hike. The scenery will not let you down.

Day 9: Paro ( Excursion to Chele La Pass and Kila Gompa )

Drive to the 3800-meter-high Chele La pass where you will have a splendid view of the Himalaya range.

You can hike to a viewpoint with an altitude of 4500 meters for an even better view of Mount Jomolhari.

Then go visit Black and White temples Lhankhang Nakpo & Karpo in the Haa Valley. After then, go visit the Dzongdrakha Goemba, a monastic complex composed of four 16th century temples clinging to the cliff overlooking the Paro Valley. At last, hike through rhododendron and hemlock forest towards Kila Gompa to catch your car back to Paro.

Day 10:Departure: Best Wishes and Hope to See You Again

In the morning wake up very early after breakfast, your tour guide will escort you to the Paro airport for your flight to your onward destinations.



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