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Culinary And Cultural Wonders
The Holy Land 


Day 1:

Arrive at Ben Gurion International Airport where we will be met by our guide and driver. Transfer to our hotel in Tel Aviv. 

Welcome dinner at one of Tel Aviv's famous restaurants.   In recent years, Tel Aviv became a center for gourmet chefs and high end restaurants.  Tonight we will be able to sample one of these unique places.

Overnight in Tel Aviv


Day 2

Jaffa, Tel Aviv, White City, Levinski Market Old Port

This morning we will visit Old Jaffa.  This is considered to be the oldest continuously used port in the world.  We will stroll along the narrow alleys full of modern galleries and artist workshops and gaze upon the magnificent view of the shore line.  We embark on a tour of the old flea market with a local dancer artist who will showcase  the many ethnic foods present in Jaffa and the local traditions.  This tour includes samplings of many local foods at such famous places as Dr. Shakshuka.  Continue to Tel Aviv's White City- a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its concentration of International Style architecture.  On Rothchild Boulevard we will learn about how Tel Aviv developed from a small town with no culinary heritage to one of the world's leading centers of food and entertainment.  Our next stop is Levinski Street, considered one of the city's leading food markets.  Immigrants from Greece opened small food shops here in the 1930's and today the area is one of Tel Aviv's main culinary spots. On to the old port of Tel Aviv where we visit the farmers market and the many restaurants in the area.

Tonight, we experience yet another one of Tel Aviv's gourmet chef restaurants.

Overnight in Tel Aviv.


Day 3

Caesarea, Haifa, Acre, Druze Village, Galilee

Drive along the shores of the Mediterranean to Caesarea.  This was once the Roman capital of the country.  It was here that Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor resided and where Peter was imprisoned before being sent to Rome for trial.  We will visit the aqueduct, theater, hippodrome and the various palaces.  Continue to Haifa, Israel's main port where we will look down Mount Carmel onto the magnificent view of Haifa Bay and The Galilee.  We will see the golden domed Bahaii shrine before continuing to the ancient city of Acre.  This city has a long and turbulent history and was conquered and ruled by many empires.  After walking along the narrow streets, we will experience a fresh fish meal the city that is known for its sea food.  The local restaurants here, are serving fish directly from the nets and serve it usually "head and tail on".  Continue to the Upper Galilee where we will visit one of Israel's wineries.  This area is famous for vine growing from Biblical times, but the modern wine industry developed here in recent times.

Overnight in the Galilee area


Day 4

Morad Winery, Nazareth, Golan Heights, Baselet Beer

In the morning we will visit Morad Winery.  This unique place produces special wines and liquors from a variety of fruits.  We will learn about the history of the winery and the unique process they use.  We will have the opportunity to sample a few fruit wines.  Continue to Nazareth, the childhood home of Jesus.  Here we will visit The Basilica of The Annunciation and Joseph's Workshop.  Nazareth, the largest Arab city in Israel, is also a hub for local Galilean cuisine.  Many famous chefs started their career here and the city's restaurants are still famous.  We will visit Al Babour, a special flour mill and food store that presents a fascinating look into a bygone era.  We will sample the local sweets Nazareth is famous for, especially the Baklawa and Knaffe at Mukhtar's sweets shops.  On to The Golan Heights where we will visit Katzrin, an ancient Jewish town from the first century CE.  Visit the Baselet Brewery where one of Israel's new beers is produced. 

Return to our hotel in The Galilee


Day 5

Ein Kamonim, Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Tabgha, Magdala, Mount of Beatitudes

We start the day at the goat farm in Ein Kamonim.  Here we will learn about cheese production in Israel and especially about the ancient Galilean cheese that can be dated back to Biblical times.  On to The Sea of Galilee for a cruise on the lake.  The calm water and magnificent landscapes are truly inspiring.  Continue to Capernaum, Childhood home of Jesus.  Here we visit the first century CE synagogue and St. Peter's House.  We enjoy a traditional St. Peter's Fish lunch on the shores of The Sea of Galilee and experience a true local feast.  Continue to Tabgha, site of the Miracle of The Multiplication of Fish and Loaves of Bread and then to The Mount of Beatitudes, site of The Sermon on The Mountain.  Toward the evening we will visit Jalila's House, where we will be hosted for a traditional Arab dinner while learning about the secrets and charm of the Galilean kitchen.

Return to our hotel in The Galilee


Day 6

Safed, Galilee Winery, Jordan River, Beth Shean, Jerusalem

In the morning we will visit Safed, a Jewish holy city and center of Kabbalah.  We will walk along the narrow streets and visit the old synaguges. Learning about the Jewish sages and their heritage.  Continue to Rimon Winery, a special place producing wine from Pomegranates.  On to Yardenit, the baptismal site on The River Jordan and then to Beth Shean.  This archeological site, one of the largest in Israel, was a thriving Roman center of commerce until it was destroyed in an earthquake.  We will visit the impressive ruins and continue along the Jordan Valley and the Judean Wilderness to Jerusalem.

Overnight in Jerusalem


Day 7

Old City, Gethsemane, Mt. Zion, Old City Food Markets

Today we explore the sites of Jerusalem's Old City.  We start at Gethsemane and see the ancient olive trees. On Mount Zion and visit The Room of The Last Supper and King David's Tomb.  We enter the old city through Zion Gate and walk along the narrow alleys of the Jewish Quarter.  Arrive at The Western Wall, the holiest place for Judaism.  Continue along The Via Dolorosa and the fourteen stations of the cross to The Holy Sepulcher, the place according tradition where Jesus was crucified and is buried.  Walk along the busy streets of the bazaar and through the area of the "shuk".  Here each street was dedicated to sellers of different types of food:  meat, grains, herbs and vegetables.  Even today, the meat sellers shops are present and the spices and herbs form a beautiful display.

Overnight in Jerusalem

Day 8

New City, Mahane Yehuda Market, Mea Shearim, Yad Vashem

In the morning we drive through the new city of Jerusalem.  We see the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, The Giant Menorah, The High Court and the other government buildings.  Continue to Yad Vashem, Israel's official memorial to the Holocaust for a tour and visit.  In the afternoon, we visit Mahane Yehuda Market.  This is Jerusalem's main outdoor food market.  It is typical of Israel and The Middle East.  The experience of the loud vendors promoting their merchandise, the smells and the variety of produce are truly amazing.  We learn about Israeli food, cooking and culinary from an expert while sampling some of the local delicacies.  On to Mea Shearim, the ultra orthodox Jewish neighborhood.  Here we learn about the life of the local traditional society and how food plays an important role in daily life.

Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 9

Dead Sea, Massada, Swim, Bedouin Experience

In the morning we descend to the lowest place on Earth:  The Dead Sea.  Ascend Massada by cable car for a visit to this historical site.  It was built by King Herod as a summer palace and fortress and was used by the Jewish Zealots as their last stronghold against the Roman legions.  They chose to commit suicide rather than fall captive in Roman hands when the battle was over.  We visit the palaces, store rooms, bath house and synagogue. On to one of the beaches along the Dead Sea where we can swim and experience the unique feeling of floating on the water.  In the afternoon we will be hosted by a Bedouin family in their traditional desert lodging.  We learn about their culinary traditions and enjoy a heaty meal.

Return to Jerusalem for overnight.

Day 10

Jerusalem, Cooking Class

Today we will attend a cooking class in Jerusalem and learn how to prepare local and traditional dishes.  We will have the opportunity to taste our creations.

In the evening, we will enjoy a farewell dinner at one of Jerusalem's many special restaurants serving traditional and local food.

Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 11


Transfer to Ben Gurion International Airport for our flight back home.

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